技能実習生逮捕 熊本

技能実習生ら12人逮捕 熊本、同じ工場 入管法違反容疑 2019年02月21日 06時00分    熊本県警は19日、入管難民法違反(資格外活動や不法残留)の疑いで、同県菊池市の製造工場で働くベトナム国籍の技能実習生ら1

Permanent resident requirement 3 National interest

In the case of a family of four, you, a spouse and two children. An annual income of at least 4.8 million yen is necessary. However, it is not necessary to be an independent annual income. In other words, household annual income should be 4.8 million yen. For example, even if your annual income is 3 million yen and the spouse's annual income is 1.8 million yen, it fulfills the requirement.

Permanent resident requirement 2 Independent living

In the case of a family of four, you, a spouse and two children. An annual income of at least 4.8 million yen is necessary. However, it is not necessary to be an independent annual income. In other words, household annual income should be 4.8 million yen. For example, even if your annual income is 3 million yen and the spouse's annual income is 1.8 million yen, it fulfills the requirement.