Latest information on permanent residence applications. The guidelines were changed in May 2019. You have to pay your pension and health insurance for the past two years. and It is not enough just to pay. They check when you paid for it. In other words, they make sure you are the one who obeys the rules. Therefore, even if you pay the past two years at a time, it is not trusted. (Of course, better than not paying) every time you have to pay on time. No matter how high your annual income is, it is impossible to obtain permanent residency if you do not pay your pension.
Maybe you have a friend who has obtained permanent residency. He may not have paid his pension. But that was an old story. At present, the Immigration Bureau’s attitude towards applying for permanent residence is very strict.
If you want to apply for permanent residence now, first, pay your pension and health insurance for the past two years. Then, set the automatic debit of the bank.
Because many people pay their pensions to obtain permanent residency, and then stop paying their pensions once they have their permanent residency. This has become a major social problem. Neither the municipality nor the immigration will allow these in the future.
Until last year, there was a chance lucky, but not anymore. You have to pay for everything you have to pay.
2 Reason Documents
Another important thing is the reason document. Why do you apply for permanent residence?
Once you apply for it yourself, you will be disallowed. And you ask a cheap immigration lawyer to disallow it for the second time, and many of those cases are brought to us.
With a 99% or higher probability, the reason document is not sufficient.
We are surprised at the fact that you and your cheap immigration lawyer submitted such terrible low-level reason documents to the immigration. It simply says your desires. There is no reason for the Japanese government or the Immigration To have you live permanently. You must consider what benefits of Japan by granting you permanent residency and how you can contribute to Japan. it is usually a professional job to make documents with these things accurately and with legal claims.
To summarize the above, please pay two years’ worth of pensions and insurance. (And taxes, of course) then ask a professional. You can get permanent residency.

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Tokyo Immigration lawyers
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