Permanent Residence Requirement

Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence


In fact, although not listed here, there are lots of important conditions.
It is because I do not know that it will not be permitted no matter how many times I apply.
Permanent residence application has completely different character from other status of residence.
If you become a permanent resident, your benefit is great for your family too.
For example, if you become a permanent resident, your spouse will be able to acquire the spouse of a permanent resident etc. In other words, your spouse will have no work restrictions. Of course, your children also benefit.
Even if you are staying in Japan for more than 10 years you may not be permitted.
On the other hand, you may have acquired permanent residence rights for seven-year stay.
It depends on the attributes of the applicant.
Please consult us before spending wasted time.



  1. The person is of good conduct.
    The person observes Japanese laws and his/her daily living as a resident does not invite any social criticism.
  2. The person has sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living.
    The person does not financially depend on someone in the society in his daily life, and his/her assets or ability, etc. are assumed to continue to provide him/her with a stable base of livelihood into the future.
  3. The person's permanent residence is regarded to be in accord with the interests of Japan.

In principle, the person has stayed in Japan for more than 10 years consecutively. It is also required that during his/her stay in Japan the person has had work permit or the status of residence for more than 5 years consecutively.

The person has been never sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. The person fulfills public duties such as tax payment.

The maximum period of stay allowed for the person with his/her current status of residence under Annexed Table 2 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act is to be fully utilized.

There is no possibility that the person could do harm from the viewpoint of protection of public health.

※ The requirements (1) and (2) above do not apply to spouses and children of Japanese nationals, special permanent residents or permanent residents, and requirement (2) does not apply for those who have been recognized as refugees



(1) The person is a spouse of a Japanese national, special permanent resident or permanent resident, and has been in a real marital relationship for more than 3 years consecutively and has stayed in Japan more than 1 year consecutively. Or, the person is a true child of a Japanese national, special permanent resident or permanent resident, and has stayed in Japan more than 1 year consecutively.

(2) The person has stayed in Japan for more than 5 years consecutively with the status of long term resident.

(3) The person has been recognized as a refugee, and has stayed in Japan for more than
5 years consecutively after recognition.

(4) The person has been recognized to have made a contribution to Japan in diplomatic, social, economic, cultural or other fields, and has stayed in Japan for more than 5 years.

(5) The person has continuously stayed in Japan for 3 years or more in cases where such person engaged in the activities coming under any of item (xxxvi) or item (xxxvii) of the public notice (Public Notice No. 131 of 1990) specifying the activities listed in the right-hand column of Appended Table I(5) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the same Act at a public or private organization located within the area of the plan specified in the regional revitalization plan approved under Article 5, paragraph (16) of the Regional Revitalization Act (Act No. 24 of 2005), and these activities are deemed to have made a contribution to Japan.

(6) The person has a total score of 70 points or more based on the points calculation criteria prescribed in the Ordinance to Provide for the Criteria in the Right-Hand Column Corresponding to “Highly-Skilled Professionals as Specified in Appended Table I(2) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act” (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice”), and comes under one of the following.

  • a. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan as a “Highly-Skilled foreign Professional” for 3 years or more.
  • b. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan for 3 years or more, and who is deemed to have a total of 70 points or more when calculating with reference to the situation at 3 years before the date of the application for permission for permanent residence.

(7) The person has a total score of 80 points or more based on the points calculation criteria prescribed in the “Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice” , and comes under one of the following.

  • a. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan as a “Highly-Skilled foreign Professional” for 1 year or more.
  • b. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan for 1 year or more, and who is deemed to have a total of 80 points or more when calculating with reference to the situation at 1 year before the date of the application for permission for permanent residence.


(Note 1) In these guidelines, for the time being, any person whose period of stay is “three years” shall be regarded as a “person who is allowed to stay up to the maximum period of stay”, as specified in the above Section 1 (3) c).
(Note 2) The “Highly-Skilled Foreign Professional” in the abovementioned 2 (6) a. is a person staying in Japan, who is deemed to have a score of 70 points or more as a result of the points calculation, and the “Highly-Skilled Foreign Professional” in the abovementioned 2 (7) a. is a person staying in Japan, who is deemed to have a score of 80 points or more as a result of the points calculation.




How Permanent Residence in Japan



1 法律上の要件

  1. 素行が善良であること 法律を遵守し日常生活においても住民として社会的に非難されることのない生活を営んでいること。
  2. 独立の生計を営むに足りる資産又は技能を有すること 日常生活において公共の負担にならず,その有する資産又は技能等から見て将来において安定した生活が見込まれること。
  3. その者の永住が日本国の利益に合すると認められること
  • ア 原則として引き続き10年以上本邦に在留していること。ただし,この期間のうち,就労資格又は居住資格をもって引き続き5年以上在留していることを要する。
  • イ 罰金刑や懲役刑などを受けていないこと。納税義務等公的義務を履行していること。
  • ウ 現に有している在留資格について,出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則別表第2に規定されている最長の在留期間をもって在留していること。
  • エ 公衆衛生上の観点から有害となるおそれがないこと。

※ ただし,日本人,永住者又は特別永住者の配偶者又は子である場合には,(1)及び(2)に適合することを要しない。また,難民の認定を受けている者の場合には,(2)に適合することを要しない。


2 原則10年在留に関する特例

  1. 日本人,永住者及び特別永住者の配偶者の場合,実体を伴った婚姻生活が3年以上継続し,かつ,引き続き1年以上本邦に在留していること。その実子等の場合は1年以上本邦に継続して在留していること
  2. 「定住者」の在留資格で5年以上継続して本邦に在留していること
  3. 難民の認定を受けた者の場合,認定後5年以上継続して本邦に在留していること
  4. 外交,社会,経済,文化等の分野において我が国への貢献があると認められる者で,5年以上本邦に在留していること ※「我が国への貢献」に関するガイドラインを参照して下さい。
  5. 地域再生法(平成17年法律第24号)第5条第16項に基づき認定された地域再生計画において明示された同計画の区域内に所在する公私の機関において,出入国管理及び難民認定法第7条第1項第2号の規定に基づき同法別表第1の5の表の下欄に掲げる活動を定める件(平成2年法務省告示第131号)第36号又は第37号のいずれかに該当する活動を行い,当該活動によって我が国への貢献があると認められる者の場合,3年以上継続して本邦に在留していること
  6. 出入国管理及び難民認定法別表第1の2の表の高度専門職の項の下欄の基準を定める省令(以下「高度専門職省令」という。)に規定するポイント計算を行った場合に70点以上を有している者であって,次のいずれかに該当するもの
    ア  「高度人材外国人」として3年以上継続して本邦に在留していること。
    イ  3年以上継続して本邦に在留している者で,永住許可申請日から3年前の時点を基準として高度専門職省令
  7. (7)高度専門職省令に規定するポイント計算を行った場合に80点以上を有している者であって,次のいずれかに該当するもの
    ア  「高度人材外国人」として1年以上継続して本邦に在留していること。
    イ  1年以上継続して本邦に在留している者で,永住許可申請日から1年前の時点を基準として高度専門職省令


