Permanent resident requirement 3 National interest

The person’s permanent residence is regarded to be in accord with the interests of Japan.

In principle, the person has stayed in Japan for more than 10 years consecutively. It is also required that during his/her stay in Japan the person has had work permit or the status of residence for more than 5 years consecutively.

The person has been never sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. The person fulfills public duties such as tax payment.

The maximum period of stay allowed for the person with his/her current status of residence under Annexed Table 2 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act is to be fully utilized.

There is no possibility that the person could do harm from the viewpoint of protection of public health.

※ The requirements (1) and (2) above do not apply to spouses and children of Japanese nationals, special permanent residents or permanent residents, and requirement (2) does not apply for those who have been recognized as refugees.

Concerning exception, check here.


Tax obligation

In many cases it is not possible to apply for permanent residence due to breach of tax obligation.
If you work for a Japanese company, there is nothing wrong with the company being mostly paying for you. Please check the salary details just in case.
Please be careful in case of self-employed.

What do you have to pay?

1. Taxes
2. Pension
3. Health insurance
It is roughly divided into the above three kinds.
For all of these, payment status will be confirmed at least for the past 3 years.
*please be careful
  • It becomes disadvantageous if there are many dependents
  • depend visa status. But the income is high? Immigration will doubt it.

These are premises that paying. If you have not paid, you can not apply for  permanent residence. Furthermore, when you pay, it becomes an important factor. In other words, it will also be checked whether there is any delay in payment.


  •  If you pay tax only in part → It is judged that you are not paying taxes. = Not allowed.
  • When you are a full-time housewife → Depends on tax attitude of supporter (eg husband).
  •  If the company has not paid → It is judged that you are not paying taxes. Not allowed
    * If the company has not paid
    You have no fault.
    However, that problem has nothing to do with immigration administration. As a rule, it will be a problem with you and the company.


The maximum period of stay

Please check your residence card. The period of stay is stated there. If you just came to Japan, the period of stay will be short. Because you still do not have credibility. Yes, your period of stay is your [credit]. The longer the period of stay, the more credible it is from Japan.

Conversely, if it is short, it means that it is not trusted from Japan. If there is no residence card it is out of the question. As a rule, you can not apply for permanent residence from there. So, even if you live in Japan for 10 years, you can not apply for permanent residence if the period of stay is only one year.

The meaning of “the longest stay of stay”. Most of the status of residence is 5 years longest. However, in practice it is possible to apply within 3 years. In this regard, no one knows when it will change to five years. If you meet other requirements, you’d better apply for it now.



永住申請の要件③ 国益要件について確認していきましょう。法務省によると,


  • ア 原則として引き続き10年以上本邦に在留していること。ただし,この期間のうち,就労資格又は居住資格をもって引き続き5年以上在留していることを要する。
  • イ 罰金刑や懲役刑などを受けていないこと。納税義務等公的義務を履行していること。
  • ウ 現に有している在留資格について,出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則別表第2に規定されている最長の在留期間をもって在留していること。
  • エ 公衆衛生上の観点から有害となるおそれがないこと。

※ ただし,日本人,永住者又は特別永住者の配偶者又は子である場合には,(1)及び(2)に適合することを要しない。また,難民の認定を受けている者の場合には,(2)に適合することを要しない。






  1. 日本人,永住者及び特別永住者の配偶者の場合
  2. 定住者の場合
  3. 高度専門職省令に規定するポイント計算で70点以上有している者
  4. 高度専門職省令に規定するポイント計算で80点以上有している者
  5. 難民の場合
  6. 我が国への貢献があると認められる者の場合
  7. 地域再生法に関連した活動によって我が国への貢献があると認められる者の場合






  1. 税金
  2. 年金
  3. 健康保険









  • 一部しか納税していない場合 → 納税していないと判断されます。=不許可。
  • 専業主婦等被扶養者である場合 → 扶養者(例:夫)の納税態度に依存。
  • 会社が支払っていない場合 → 納税していないと判断されます。=不許可








Picture of yuima okada

yuima okada

東京都行政書士会 Vimala法務事務所代表
特定行政書士 東京入国管理局長承認取次行政書士

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Permanent residency in JAPAN
96% Success

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About permission for permanent residence.
In Article 22 of the Immigration Control Act, Regarding the legal requirements of permission for permanent residence,

1 Goodness requirements,
2 Independent livelihood requirements,
3 National interest requirement

There are only three descriptions. However, in practice this alone is not allowed.

Please feel free to contact us.
phone : 03-6717-2747

We are a professional team of immigration law.