How to Live in Japan


This is not a story of a difficult law. Please think this is just a daily conversation. We are professional in immigration law. so We receive similar consultation every day. Consultation on “How can I live in Japan?” Is one of them. We can understand that feeling well. Under the current legal system, you will get a working visa, or a student visa or a marriage visa. and most of these work visas, you need to be a college graduate. this is the usual way. (However, if your family already lives in Japan, there is also the possibility of a family stay visa.)

about a work visa, Sometimes, we are confused that someone misunderstands it. They get angry that they are not college graduates. It is not what we decided that a university degree is a requirement for a work visa. It is determined by law. And you must be hired first. And you must be hired first.

About how to obtain a student visa. It is common to enroll in a Japanese language school. However, please be careful as there are many terrible schools inside.

About marriage visa. If you get a marriage visa by marrying a Japanese or a permanent resident, that is very strong. However, please do not marry for a visa. It is illegal. Immigration Bureau doubts even true marriage. Prior to that, you may have to learn how to fall in love with the Japanese. Do you need lessons? For marriage visas, please consult with us.

The new Immigration Law will be enforced soon. In any case, you will have to take some sort of exam.

any questions?


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Life in Japan

Immigration lawyers

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