Filipino’s remarriage problem

Can not get LCCM?

The Philippines is a country where divorce is not permitted.
However, according to Article 26, Paragraph 2 of the Family Law, when divorced from a foreigner, Filipinos are allowed to remarry.
In other words, in the case of international marriage, divorce has become practically acceptable.


Article 26.
Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law.

There are a couple of cases where marriage was approved when marriage execution place was made into Japan without obtaining the divorce decision sentence sentence of the Philippine court.

1: When CNO is attached,
2: When a certificate is attached,
3: In cases where other materials can prove that both of them do not attach but meet the requirements of remarriage under Article 26, paragraph 2 of family law etc.

Either way, from December 1, 2012, reports on the fact of marriage to the home country Philippines cease to be accepted.


In brief, you can officially divorce in Japan. However, due to the next marriage, you can not acquire the LCCM. This is the biggest problem.
But in conclusion, if you ask us, these will be possible.

For this, it is necessary to interpret and reconstruct the Philippine family law. Originally, it is the work of the Philippine legislature. But in Japan here we have to do what we can do. And it is possible.


divorce must be officially established in Japan.
It is necessary to have a connection with record in pre - married Philippines and record of divorce in Japan.
We can solve this problem.
It is a method that can be used only when Filipino married foreigners and divorced.
The remarriage partner can be Japanese, Filipino, or any other nationality.





原則として,フィリピンでは再婚が認めれていません。 そのため,日本人と婚姻関係にあったフィリピン人が離婚し,再婚する際に問題になります。 具体的には婚姻要件具備証明書が取得できないのです。 婚姻要件具備証明書が取得できないと,日本国内において婚姻を有効に成立させることができず,有効に婚姻が成立しないということは,入国管理局へ日本人配偶者等の在留資格を申請することも当然にできないということです。 弊所ではこの問題を解決することができますので,お気軽にご相談ください。


  1. フィリピン人の相手方(前婚)が日本人であった場合で,再婚相手が日本人の場合
  2. フィリピン人の相手方(前婚)が日本人であった場合で,再婚相手がフィリピン人の場合
  3. フィリピン人の相手方(前婚)が外国人であった場合で,再婚相手が外国人の場合
