Handling of foreign nationals who have difficulty returning to their home countryor other country

1 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する外国人の在留諸申請について
(2) 帰国困難者に対する在留諸申請及び在留資格認定証明書交付申請の取扱い

    ※ 帰国が困難な中長期在留者については,「特定活動(6か月)」を許可します。


If you are unable to return to your home country due to corona issues, a 6-month visa will be granted.
28 hours of part-time work per week is also allowed.

This procedure is an application to change your status of residence. Please contact us for details.



(英語・English)Handling of foreign nationals who have difficulty returning to their  home country or other country[PDF]