Management Visas and Actual Operations

If you want to do business in Japan, you should consult us. In addition to obtaining management visas, we will accelerate your business.

Good decision and right decision are different.

You have only to concentrate on management. Please leave the rest to us.

Business management visa

The management visa is complicated in requirements, and it is difficult to obtain this. You should leave it to the professional.

business consulting

We are immigration lawyers, but also business consultants.Business practice in Japan is special. You ought to do business with knowing that.

legal protect

Japan is an administrative state. You can not avoid engaging with the administration whatever you do. You may get administrative punishment even if you do not intend. We will protect your business.

How to acquire a business management visa

In principle, capital of 5 million yen or more is necessary to obtain business management visa. And a perfect business plan, a real office is also necessary. These may be full of inconsistencies. Because you do not have any other VISA and you can not even open a bank account. Of course, you can not register the corporation. Most of the people who tried to start up in Japan said that business in Japan is complicated. We will solve all these problems.

The data sources that we use for this type of analysis include customer enquiry data, sales figures, costs, market data and customer feedback.

legal protect

Please leave us the management and legal counsel of your business. Japan is an administrative state. You need a person who is familiar with administrative law. Because it is difficult for you to find out the daily legal information. You should worry about your business getting illegal. The rival finds it and tries to crush you. We prevent it.

There are few immigration lawyers who are familiar with company management.


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