What does it mean to not be allowed?
Sometimes people make outrageous mistakes. Some people make the same mistake over and over again. It will even
If you marry a Japanese and get a spouse visa, you can live in Japan in a stable manner. You are free to do any work, and there is no time limit. In addition, social credibility also increases. If you are a woman and have children, you will be protected from the government as a Japanese mother. In addition, it will be easier to acquire permanent residence in the future.
fake marriage
The problem is that the Civil Code and the Immigration Act may be treated differently. In other words, your marriage is suspected. Your marriage is legal under the Civil Code. However, under the Immigration Act, it is judged to be a fake marriage. In that case, you can not obtain a spouse visa even though you are married. All these records will remain in the future, so you can not fail.
Sometimes people make outrageous mistakes. Some people make the same mistake over and over again. It will even
夫婦で同居していると偽って在留期間を更新したとして51歳の男と中国人の23歳の女が逮捕されました。警視庁は、2人が偽装結婚していた可能性もあるとみて調べています。 中国人のリン・シャン容疑
Can not get LCCM? The Philippines is a country where divorce is not permitted. However, according to Article 2
The Application of the Certificate of Eligibility (Spouse or Child of Japanese) ○The applicant means the for
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